Is it safe to come out yet? By Findlay Wilde
Findlay Wilde is a young bird ringer, nature conservationist and general all-round wildlife enthusiast. At a very young age, Findlay has inspired thousands, both young and old, with his honest, passionate and intelligent commitment to preserving the environment, through his writing and photography. You can watch our interview with him and his family here.
For my music homework at school I had to come up with a song that meant something to me and present it back in whatever style I wanted to. I thought about the natural world straight away, I mean bird song is one of the best types of music you can hear. However, I wasn’t going to use bird song for something as sad and tragic as the badger cull.
I decided to make a video to show people the sadness of the badger cull. I want people to listen and see that there is always more than one way to solve a problem. You can’t just kill something because that causes another problem. In this case no badgers for the next generation and Bovine TB will still be there.
This is the end result. I thought I would share it with you too. Please stop the cull Mr Paterson.