To find out more about the project either as a potential member, supporter or mentor, or to get a copy of our membership/mentoring forms contact us
Please note that A Focus On Nature is run completely voluntarily with no full-time staff so be patient with us!
A Focus On Nature prides itself on it’s openness to all naturalists and nature conservationists and recently we have been attracting a lot of younger members on both Facebook and Twitter. As a network, we have always excelled at maintaining a professional, inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. We recognise that we have a responsibility to protect our members, particularly those of a younger age, and it is worth noting that if any examples of bullying, discrimination or inappropriate language in any form on other Facebook groups, private messages or other forms of social media come to our attention, associated in any way with AFON members, we may be forced to remove you from the network. This is to protect the safety of our younger members and to make sure that the AFON retains it’s excellent reputation. Please note that you have to be 18 or over to take advantage of our Mentoring Scheme.
All photographs on the website are the property of the individual photographers of A Focus On Nature and are not for replication or publication. A Focus On Nature will always credit independent photographers where possible; if you wish to use any of the images on the website, please contact A Focus On Nature or the photographer in question using their individual websites.