A Focus On Nature

Books and Reviews

Books and Reviews

Book Review: The Art of British Natural History

This book is a real treat for art lovers and wildlife enthusiasts alike; the wide array of subjects and styles makes reading through this portfolio of British talent and scientific records quite the learning experience!

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Books and Reviews

Book Review: The Ethical Carnivore

Louise Gray tells a remarkable story of her goal to only eat animals she had killed herself, in order to experience first-hand where our meat comes from. As someone who is attempting to eat more ethically I was instantly intrigued!

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review: Winter – an anthology for the seasons

Thus far the Season anthologies from E&T and The Wildlife Trusts have been wonderful reads, and when Winter alighted on my doormat, I had my fingers crossed for more literary delights.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review: The Wood For The Trees

Fortey’s ‘The wood for the trees’ reads like an amble through the countryside, and as with any walk with a naturalist there are a multitude of diversions and uncovered curiosities along the way.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review: Autumn – an anthology for the seasons

When the package containing this book landed on my doorstep, it was a timely arrival, and was destined to be my “holiday” reading on a ringing trip to Arctic Norway. As with previous editions of this seasonal series, Melissa Harrison has created a perfect match of fiction and non-fiction, poetry and prose, modern and historic writing.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review: Nightingales in November

This book is beautifully summed up by the subtitle, ‘A Year in the Lives of Twelve British Birds’. In twelve chapters beginning with January and finishing with December, Nightingales in November by Mike Dilger follows the dramatic stories of a cohort of well-loved resident and visiting British birds, the Bewick’s Swan, Peregrine, Lapwing, Puffin, Cuckoo, Tawny Owl, Kingfisher, Swallow, Robin, Nightingale, Waxwing and Blue tit.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review: Fingers In The Sparkle Jar

Before I started reading this book, I honestly didn’t know quite what to expect from it. Having seen many TV programmes that Chris has presented, I didn’t expect an overly fluffy, soft book about tales of cute wildlife, but I certainly didn’t expect it to be as gritty, as brutally honest, yet beautifully poetic.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review: Rain

Rain: Four Walks in English Weather by Melissa Harrison comes across as much more expansive than just its 104 pages. Set out as a tetralogy; each section describes the author’s experience of walking in a different area of England in a different season, with the common theme being wet weather.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review – Summer: An anthology for the seasons

“Summer: An anthology for the seasons”, edited by Melissa Harrison is a book which captures the wonders of summer through not only the magic of poetry, but also through the stories of those who are its greatest admirers.

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A Focus On Nature, Books and Reviews

Book Review – Beetle Boy

I’ve never had to do a book review before, so it was great to get this chance. I am not going to say too much about the story – Beetle Boy (by M.G.Leonard), as I don’t want to give anything away as there are lots of twists and turns to enjoy.

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