A Focus On Nature

A Focus On Nature

New Nature: March 2018

Traditionally, March is the first month of Spring: a time of pleasant birdsong, early blooms and fresh, new life. This year, things appear somewhat different. Storm Emma and the ‘Beast from the East’ have collided and merged and Britain, for the most part, finds itself enduring what seems to many like a second Winter. Snow blankets the floor, ice our rivers and lakes and, generally, conditions outside seem rather horrid, both from a human perspective and from that of the wildlife set to suffer should such conditions continue. The only positive aspect of the latest bout of bad weather being that many of us, concealed in the relative warmth of our homes, now have ample time to catch up on reading…

In our March 2018 edition of New Nature you will find articles on aquatic insects p.26, courtesy of Ele Johnson, and foxes brought to you by Abby Condliffe p.12. Here too Liam Whitmore brings readers some top tips for returning nature to their gardens on p.30 and Giuliana Sinclair discusses the future of the Breeding Bird Survey in her intriguing interview with Ken White, the regional BBS representative for Berkshire p.20. Add to this talk of student activism, cetaceans and wild daffodils and it is clear that this is not an issue you can afford to miss.

Our regular features also make a welcome return in the present issue, as Alex Pearce interviews Doug Allan, one of the world’s most prominent wildlife cameramen, and Elliot Dowding details some of the evocative sights to be enjoyed outdoors this March. All of which goes without mention of A Focus on Nature’s own section, this time featuring an introduction to the organisation’s Scottish branch, and information regarding the renowned University Mammal Challenge!

As the ‘Beast from the East’ rages outside and many of us, against our nature, find ourselves confined indoors, why not download the latest issue of New Nature today. You can pick up a (free!) copy using the following link: https://goo.gl/wjeBjQ!

If you, yourself, are interested in writing for the magazine, we welcome all submissions/pitches and would be thrilled to hear from you at editorial.newnature@gmail.com or on social media at @NewNature_Mag.