A Focus On Nature

Tag: redpoll

Nature Reserves

Got the Horn(emann’s)…

After stoutly promising my friend Ed Drewitt only last weekend that I would never surface before 8:00 in the morning to see a bird (an otter maybe, but a bird?!), Friday saw me trundling along down the A14 at 5:00 am in search of what has been dubbed the ‘Bird of the Year’ by many, the Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll. Admittedly, I wasn’t actually driving, and admittedly, I may have drifted off for an hour or two, but by my standards, this was the earliest start I had submitted to in years. I wasn’t even that fussed about the bird – the poor thing is hopelessly lost and has quite possibly ended up down an evolutionary cul-de-sac. I was definitely going along for the ride with this one, and only the promise of an excellent weekend with topnotch food and company was keeping me going.

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