A Focus On Nature

Now for Nature

Now for Nature

Nature DIY!

There has been a huge shift in society towards nature conservation. In the last year especially, we have seen a monumental rise in public interest regarding protecting our environment thanks to programmes like Planet Earth and Blue Planet (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sir David has magical powers when it comes to public engagement!). More people than ever before are being careful about how much meat they consume, how much waste they produce, and are thinking seriously about their carbon footprint.

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A Focus On Nature, A Vision For Nature, Now for Nature

Scottish Wildcat Adventure

Last year I took on the role of Team Leader in the Mammal Society’s University Mammal Challenge (UMAC), using a variety of survey techniques to record as many mammals as possible at Nottingham Trent University’s Brackenhurst campus. With a grand total of 6529 observations of 24 mammal species, our team won a trip up to the Cairngorms in Scotland to spend a day learning about Scottish wildcats and current conservation efforts.
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A Focus On Nature, A Vision For Nature, Now for Nature

FSC BioLinks Project

In 2016 the Field Studies Council (FSC) were awarded a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to develop a project to address the lack of people able to identify and record difficult species groups, with a focus on the West Midlands and South East regions of England. [Read More]

Now for Nature

Eco-Warriors: Ways to Help the Ocean

A few ideas to get you started – whether you do them all or one, you are adding to the thousands of others that are making contributions to help our oceans. [Read More]

A Focus On Nature, Now for Nature

Signs of Spring

“It is a moment of quickening, of rebirth. The old, lovely story: life surging back, despite everything, once again. However spring finds you – birdsong, blossom or spawn – it is a signal: the earth turning its ancient face back to the sun.”

Melissa Harrison – ‘Spring: An Anthology for the Changing Seasons’ [Read More]

Now for Nature

New Networks for Nature

Saturday, November 18th – Day Three. An inconspicuous looking town in Lincolnshire, at the time I could not help but think Stamford to be an odd choice for an event that had featured the illustrious Sir David Attenborough in November 2016. A frosty morning had greeted me at the platform, all the while following me until I found my way to the local Arts Centre. [Read More]

Now for Nature

#NowforNature – Appreciation is Caring

The sciences are an overwhelmingly broad field. Oftentimes seen as distinctly separate within their fields, many scientists yearn for greater appreciation, greater understanding from an audience that may often seem like they’d rather ignore the numbers or facts being hurled at them. I, too, have yearned for that receptive understanding ever since I was in high school.

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Now for Nature

The Magnificent Seven – Now for Nature

There are young people across the UK who are already taking action Now for Nature. They are making our Vision for Nature a reality. While proof of any progress on a governmental level can be dumbed down to twiddling thumbs and choruses of humming and hawing, these young people embody what Now for Nature values – action. We hope that decision makers will follow where they are leading. Featured below are seven magnificent young individuals from across the UK who are doing amazing things Now for Nature.

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Now for Nature

The ‘V’ Word – why you shouldn’t turn your back on volunteering

Volunteering, a word that can strike dread in those looking to pursue careers in conservation, ‘’not another unpaid position, what are my parents going to think!?’’. This to some may be seen as an exploitation, however in a sector which is so competitive and where experience is so highly revered volunteering can be a fantastic opportunity.

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